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Faithful Saint Coffee

Ethiopian Harrar

Ethiopian Harrar

Regular price $12.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $12.50 USD
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Cup Score:  84.75

Origin: Ethiopia
Farm: Smallholder Farmers
Region: Harrar
Varietal: Heirloom Cultivars
Altitude: 1520 – 2120 M
Process: Natural

Profile Notes: This coffee boasts a unique flavor profile with distinct notes of raisin, blackberry, and strawberry. 

Hailing from the eastern highlands of Ethiopia, the Ethiopian Harrar coffee beans are renowned for their exceptional Natural-Processed varieties with unique berry notes, grown in the Oromia region that was previously known as "Harrar". The small farms in this region, located east of the bustling capital, Addis Ababa, contribute to the distinct flavor profile of this coffee. With a robust body, the flavor is dominated by a medley of berry tastes, such as blackberry and blueberry, while the aroma exhibits a blend of earthiness, fruitiness, and chocolate notes, akin to that of a dry wine. Ethiopian Harrar coffee is a true delight for coffee enthusiasts seeking a flavorful and exotic brew.

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